Download & Run

Source code and a precompiled oven ready .jar is available here. Use the SHA-256 hash value to verify, or our PGP key from here.

    Call as:  java -jar ent3000.jar [options] [input-file]

    Options:     --help   Print this message.  
    input-file:           The file of binary samples to be tested.  
                          If no input file is supplied, an internal 
                          native CSPRNG will be tested.

It produces output as, (for an internal CSPRNG):-

ent3000 starting...
--help option to display help.
Testing internal native CSPRNG.
Testing 100000 bytes.
Passed Monobit test. Good.
Entropy,          p = 0.690,    PASS.  
Compression,      p = 0.100,    PASS.  
Chi,              p = 0.285,    PASS.  
Mean,             p = 0.875,    PASS.  
Pi,               p = 0.443,    PASS.  
UnCorrelation,    p = 0.776,    PASS.  
KS,               p = 0.790,    PASS.  
Shells,           p = 0.549,    PASS.  
Runs,             p = 0.835,    PASS.  