What's new?

13 March, 2025
v0.6.0-beta of ent3000 is now available. And a slightly newer look to the site. Phew!
3 March, 2024
v0.4.4-beta of ent3000 is now available.
31 December, 2023
v0.4.2-beta of ent3000 is now available. Happy New Year 😃
9 September, 2023
ent3000 source code repatriated from GitHub to here.
14 August, 2023
v0.3.3-beta of ent3000 is available, as well as technical descriptions of its tests.
22 July, 2023
And now v0.3.2-beta is released with rational and QA documentation.
9 July, 2023
Latest v0.3.0-beta release of ent3000, following successful QA testing.
6 June, 2023
ent3000: A new randomness testing suite for TRNG Makers generating in the sub 1 MB space. Successor to John Walker’s venerable ent. Please try it.
10 February, 2023
New year, new stuff. A piece highlighting the unseen dangers within America’s NIST organisation. And a related, very good read that seems frighteningly familiar.
14 March, 2022
Various re-jiggings of various things, but mainly to the 3 Golden Rules. And an analysis of the entropy coming from the Zenerglass ($ H_{\infty} = 5.5 $ bits/byte).
1 September, 2021
A solution to all of your life’s problems, using our un-biased quantum randomness powered life decision assistant. And some electro-mechanical details of the Zenerglass.
15 July, 2021
Further further electro-mechanical details of our Null Gamma Device, including a view of it running nicely.
10 June, 2021
PGP (GPG) key updated to outwit the Man.
5 June, 2021
Accurate entropy measurement of Photonic Instrument output using a novel chop and stack conditioning technique, resulting in $H_{\infty} = 7.9$ bits/byte or 34.5 46 kb/frame. And also a technique for mitigating the effects of ambient temperature changes.
13 April, 2021
Further mechanical details of our Null Gamma Device, including the I/O PCB. And Zener diode electrical behaviour, reaching the conclusion that $V_Z$ is pretty much unrelated to $H_{\infty}$.
30 December, 2020
An entropy analysis of our covert Type 3 cryptography kit (Mata Hari). We obtain 7.9 bits/byte $(\text{bias}, \epsilon = 2^{-9.5})$ of entropy at a rate of 4.4 kbits/s.
21 November, 2020
See what Zener diodes look like on the inside.
10 November, 2020
Some initial mechanical details of our Null Gamma Device. The four component entropy source produces a signal spanning 4.7 bits of binary range.
8 October, 2020
Analysis of the latest NIST 800-90B entropy measurement suite @ GitHub. And read about UK’s GCHQ training presentation for new covert operatives (29 MB).
A critique of the ent
program vis-à-vis entropy measurement.
13 September, 2020
Electrical details of our covert Type 3 cryptography kit (Mata Hari).
9 September, 2020
An overview of our covert Type 3 cryptography kit (Mata Hari).
26 August, 2020
A response to a long OTP question and some cock-ups, including a cryptographic assessment of FinalCrypt.
14 August, 2020
A treatise on real Truth and pseudo-truth wrt TRNGs and cryptography.
27 July, 2020
The Null Gamma Device is now on stream, with live entropy and a random walk.
2 May, 2020
Testing of our independent and novel IID tests, and how to monitor the slow test’s progress.
A shed load of stuff…